Poker face
"The jury did not reveal individual votes but hinted at some differences. Its jury prize for the Thai film "Sud Pralad," which sharply divided Cannes audiences, also split the jury, "but some of us were moved by that film to a staggering degree," Tarantino said, and so dissenters on the jury respected their passion.
He defended the Grand Prize (second place), which went to the violent Korean revenge thriller "Old Boy." "The most exciting films in the world are coming out of Japan and Korea right now," he said. "It took 10 years for the genre pictures of Hong Kong to be recognized; it's great that a film like this can play in Cannes." Fellow juror Tsui Hark, whose own Hong Kong genre pictures, like "Chinese Ghost Story," took years to win recognition, kept a poker face."
Roger Ebert ungewöhnlich reduziert über die Pressekonferenz der Jury von Cannes am Tag nach der Bekanntgabe der Preise. Erstmals in der Geschichte des Festivals hat sich eine Jury erklärt und die eigenen Entscheidungen vor der Öffentlichkeit gerechtfertigt. Zuvor war Kritik an der Auszeichnung für Michael Moore mit der Palme d'Or laut geworden.
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