Hal Hartleys "The Girl From Monday"
Wenig enthusiastisch der Bericht von Hannah Eaves zur Erstaufführung auf dem Sundance-Festival bei Greencine:
Hal Hartley's latest, The Girl From Monday, is likely to get a mixed response from critics and audiences alike. Starring Bill Sage and Sabrina Lloyd, it is what Hartley calls "fake sci-fi." Though it takes place vaguely in the future there is an undeniable sense that it could be happening right now; that, in fact, our current world is so surreal it could have slipped into science fiction without our noticing. Stylistically, it follows on from The Book of Life and is full of off angles and slow shutter speeds (what Hartley calls the "Wong Kar-wai button" on the camera). In Hartley's vision of the future (or, rather, exaggerated opinion of the present), sex is nothing but a commodity, used to boost one's credit rating. (...) There are some effective moments, particularly in the first half and towards the end, and Hartley's continual experimentation with narrative and performance is something to be respected.
Mehr zum Film, vor allem ein Interview mit Hartley bei Wired News. Das Interessanteste an dem Film ist seine Distribution. Er wird nämlich nur sehr kurz und an wenigen Orten im Kino zu sehen sein (am prominentesten: im Moma); die eigentlichen Einnahmen für den sehr billig produzierten Film sollen aber über den Verkauf der DVD generiert werden, die ab April auf Hal Hartleys Website Possible Films erhältlich ist.
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